Thursday 9 February 2012

Symptoms of Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women

Toxoplasmosis caused by parasite Toxoplasma gondii. It can be spread by cat and its fesses. Otherwise, people who often half or uncooked meat can get this disease. This disease will infect immune. People who have weak immune will show bad condition of the disease. Pregnant women are in risk. The condition will not be as health as usual. Then, they also can transmit the disease to fetus.

The common symptoms of Toxoplasmosis do not happen in physical sign or certain kind of sign. The symptoms of flu can show the sign of Toxoplasmosis infection. Then, the symptoms are tricky. People will not aware about this disease. They will feel that they seem healthy. The symptoms which can be seen are quite mild. Sufferers will get fever. Lymph nodes, which bigger than usual, can be the sign and can make them a little aware. Then, the muscles will be ache and pain.

For the pregnant women those symptoms should not be ignored. It is because the immune of the pregnant women is weaker than women who not pregnant. Then, they also can give bad things for the fetus and miscarriage. However, the virus can be attached before they are pregnant. If they are not aware, it will be danger for the baby and the mother.

Early awareness will help the mothers to prevent the spreading the virus to the fetus. Seeing the doctor can help the mothers take safe medicine. At least, the fetus and the baby in the future will not get the disease. Then, it can help the mother to prevent miscarriage.